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Epic Test Code LAB122 Sodium: Serum/Plasma

Performing Location(s)


Specimen Type

Serum or Plasma

Preferred Container

Gold or Red top tube

Alternate Container

Light Green top tube (Lithium heparin)

Minimum Volume to Submit for Testing

0.5 mL Serum or Plasma

  • Multiple test can be performed from this volume. For question please contact the lab at 547-3975.  

Storage Requirements

Sample tubes should be centrifuged within 2 hours of collection 


Aliquot Red tops

See Causes of Rejection for temperature requirements.

Transportation Needs

 Deliver specimen to laboratory within 1 hour of collection if unspun. If not possible see "storage Requirements". 

Reference Values

Populations Units Reference Range

High Critical Value

Low Critical Value
All populations mmol/L 136-145 >155 <120



Samples exposed to Benzalkonium salts present in certain blood catheter devices will cause falsely elevated sodium and potassium measurements.


Citrate at a test concentration of 52.9 mmol/L decreases sodium by 38 mmol/L, decreases potassium be 0.6 mmol/L and increases chloride by 57 mmol/L.


Thiopental increases sodium results by as much as 33 mmol/L at 14 mg/dL of thiopental and up to 6 mmol/L at 2.8 mg/dL of thiopental. (Therapeutic range 0.7 to 13 mg/dL)

This method is affected by low (<3 g/dL) or high (>9g/dL) total protein and/or elevated triglycerides(>500 mg/dL). To obtain an accurate sodium value in patients with any of these conditions, a different specimen type is required for repeat measurement by an alternate method. Contact the laboratory to order LAB9916 if appropriate.

Causes for Rejection

Mislabeled or unlabeled specimen
Less than 50% draw for Vacutainer tubes

> 7 days Refrigerated
>24 hours Room Temp
Hemolysis > 250 mg/dL HgB
Lipemia > 500 mg/dL Trig
Bilirubin > 40 mg/dL Bili

Days of Analysis


Available STAT



Beckman AU/Dx Series

CPT Code


Last Updated

27-NOV-24 MS