Factor Therapy Guidelines
Factor Therapy
A number of recombinant and donor-derived clotting factors are available for the treatment of specific clotting factor defects with or without inhibitor formation. These include but are not limited to types of Factor VIII concentrate, Factor IX concentrate, Factor IX complex, desmopressin (DDAVP), and Anti-Inhibitor Complex (AICC). There is brand-to-brand variability in the effect of such factors on an individual patient’s disease state and it has been noted that there is considerable "brand loyalty" among the factor-deficient population and their caregivers. Thus it is recommended that specific factor therapy be initiated only after careful discussion with the factor-deficient patient and his or her hematologist. The Blood Bank keeps a supply of the more commonly available brands in-house, can arrange for the rapid delivery of rarer products and will work actively with the patient’s medical team to provide appropriate factor products as needed.