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Mayo Clinic Laboratories

Epic Test Code LAB437 Pregnancy Test: Urine

Performing Location(s)


Specimen Type

Random Urine

Preferred Container

Sterile or unsterile container

Minimum Volume to Submit for Testing

5.0 mL Urine

  • Multiple test can be performed from this volume. For question please contact the lab at 547-3975.  

Storage Requirements

Specimens must be stored for <8 hours at room temperature or 48 hours at 2-8° Celsius.


Transportation Needs

Deliver specimen to the laboratory within 1 hour of collection. If not possible see “Storage Requirements”

Causes for Rejection

Mislabeled or unlabeled specimen

Bloody Specimen
>8 hrs room temperature
>48 hrs refrigerated  
>20 mg/dl bilirubin
>1000 mg/dl Hemolysis
Specimens containing preservatives



While pregnancy is the most likely reason for the presence of hCG in serum and urine, other conditions may be associated with detectable hCG, i.e., ectopic pregnancy, molar pregnancy or patients with trophoblastic and nontrophoblastic disease.  Early pregnancy associated with low levels of hCG may not be detected with this kit. If pregnancy is suspected, consider ordering a serum quantitative hCG or re-collect in 48 hours. hCG may remain detectable a few days to several weeks after delivery, abortion, natural termination or hCG injections.


This test may not be used as a tumor marker assay. Serum samples may be sent to Mayo Medical Laboratories, see Beta HCG, Tumor Marker, serum (BCGC) for details


This test will detect urine concentrations of Beta-hCG as low as 20 mIU/mL



Reference Values

Population Units Reference Range
All Populations n/a Negative


Days of Analysis


Available STAT



Rapid monoclonal and polyclonal chromatographic Immunoassay

CPT Code


Last Updated

24-Nov-20 BHD