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Epic Test Code LAB462 Blood Culture

Performing Location(s)


Specimen Type

Whole Blood

Preferred Container

Bact/ALERT Blood Culture Vials
SA(Blue Cap)/SN(Red Cap)


Volume Required

10 mL/Bottle

Minimum Volume

5 mL/Bottle (Adult)
1 mL/ Bottle (Newborn)- Collect Aerobic (blue cap) Bottle only.  Refer to the Pediatric Blood Volumes

If < 5mL of blood is collected, place all 5mL into Aerobic bottle; do not use anaerobic bottle.

Transportation Needs

Transport at room temperature (20-25⁰C)


Storage Requirements

Incubate at 35° Celsius

Causes for Rejection

Mislabeled or unlabeled specimen
Non-Bact/ALERT Blood Culture Vials
BTA bottle with resin (FAN)

See Blood Culture Basics

Reference Values

Population Units Reference Range
All Populations none No Growth


Reflex Testing

Organism identification and susceptibility studies are performed as appropriate, according to established protocols that have been approved by the Clinical Laboratory Director. Call Microbiology (547-3707) for details. There may be additional charges for these identification and susceptibility procedures.


Reflex Testing Data: 1)Gram Stain, 2)1st  Positive blood culture from a patient will reflex to molecular identification of the following organisms and antibiotic resistance genes. Useful for Rapid detection of sepsis in fection caused by:

Gram-positive Bacteria

Gram-negative Bacteria


Resistance Gene

Enterococcus genus

Listeria monocytogenes

Staphylococcus genus

Staphylococcus aureus Streptococcus genus Streptococcus agalactiae Streptococcus pneumoniae

Streptococcus pyogenes

Acinetobacter baumannii

Enterobacteriaceae family

Enterobacter cloacae complex

Escherichia coli

Klebsiella oxytoca

Klebsiella pneumonia

Proteus spp.

Serratia marcescens Haemophilus influenzae Neisseria meningitidis Pseudomonas aeruginosa

Candida albicans

C. glabrata

C. krusei

C. parapsilosis

C. tropicalis

mecA = methicillin  resistance

(for Staphylococcus spp.) 


vanA/B = vancomycin resistance

(for Enterococcus spp.)


kpc = carbapenem resistance

(for Enterobacteriacea)

Only the 1st bottle of a septic episode where the Gram stain qualifies with have a BCID panel (Blood culture Molecular Identification) set up. If a change in the Gram stain result occurs on future positive bottles, the provider will be notified and a BCID panel will be set up. Successive positive bottles from the same patient will have a Gram stain. If Gram stain is identical to the 1st, a culture will be setup to confirm organism identification.
Subculture of positive blood culture is performed to recover organisms for susceptibility testing, epidemiological typing, to identify organisms not detected by this method and for species determination of some Staphylococcus, Streptococcus, Enterococci and Enterobacteriaciae.

Blood Culture Molecular Identification Drug of Choice Assistance Table 2023

Reflex Testing Data

Days of Analysis


Available STAT


Turn Around Time

2-3 hours from the time of provider notification of Gram stain


Aerobic and Anaerobic culture (if both bottles are sent, see below)

Additional Information

Patient Preparation:

Must be collected aseptically as detailed in the Blood Culture Basics (see Microbiology Collection Procedures link in this web page)

Blood cultures should be drawn prior to initiation of antimicrobial thereapy

A minimum of 2 sets of blood cultures should be drawn, ideally 15 minutes apart, with a maximum of 3 sets within any 24 hour period. Single set blood cultures should be avoided as contamination may render any growth uninterpretable.

Submission of a single bottle of the set will be treated as an aerobic bottle, precluding the isolation of strict anaerobes

If specific pathogens are suspected, please note under “Special Requests” as incubation times may need to be extended for certain fastidious organisms


Aerobic and anaerobic culture

CPT Code


Last Updated
